
Extreme Factories is a practical tool for tackling the abstract world of Innovation Management. We're committed to helping your business discover its next great idea, and transforming it into an Innovation.

The reason your business is here today is because someone had a great idea, an Innovation.

In today's world Innovation is a buzz word that we all use, we're told that Innovation is key for business survival and growth, but how do companies be Innovative?

Every year businesses spend millions on Innovation management yet moiré new products and services fail than succeed so how does a business come up with idea's, how does it select the right idea and how does an Idea become an Innovation?

Innovation is the successful exploitation of new idea's.

Innovation is a culture not a stop-start process, you have to make time for it and constantly encourage new ideas.

The best way the be innovative is to get idea's to market quickly and don't be afraid to fail - it's the best learning experience there is.

So to be innovative businesses not only have to come up with new ideas, they have to select the right ones, develop prototypes and launch them to market whilst creating a positive culture that's not afraid to fail.

Seem like an expensive, time consuming and daunting task?

That's not the case with Extreme Factories. Developed by business for business, and with funding from the European Union the Extreme Factories platform takes your staff through our 4 stage innovation cycle from asking the questions 'What do we want to achieve', through to posting Innovation Challenges for your employees, Prioritisation and Idea Selection through to Product Development and Product Launch Follow Up.

It's never been simpler to overcome your barriers to growth with our practical and easy to use platform which.

But don't just take our word for it - read our testimonials to see the practical advantages our clients gain by using Extreme Factories.

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 285164